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Independent auditing is an essential assurance

activity and one of the best ways to verify your level of HSEQ management system compliance and effectiveness. Our team of experienced and qualified Lead Auditors are able to audit individual system elements, or entire integrated HSEQ management systems. Our Auditors specialise in ISO45001, ISO14001, ISO9001 and the International Safety Management (ISM) Code (Marine). Our technical auditing services offer compliance assessments of Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA).

Our auditing process is collaborative, with specific audit checklists developed to align with individual client requirements. Comprehensive audit reports are developed and issued to each client. These reports detail areas of compliance while highlighting opportunities for improvement and areas of non-conformance. Our consultants are also available to provide you with audit preparation support in the event that you are required to undergo an audit by a client or certification or regulatory agency.


Behavioural Based Safety (BBS)

BBS programs are founded on the principles of behavioural science and can be an effective addition to your safety management system. Proactive BBS programs typically include peer-on-peer field observations, which seek to identify positive behaviours as well as those that can increase the risk of an incident. Observation data is recorded, which when analysed with collective observational data allows for behavioural trends and targeted safety initiatives to be developed.

Reactive BBS programs can be applied following an incident and through the use of a Human Factors Analysis (H-FAT) incident investigation. 

H-FAT investigations identify the performance shaping factors that have contributed to an undesirable event. Through this process, corrective and preventative actions can be identified, which when implemented help to mitigate against reoccurrence.


Contractor Management

Contractor and sub-contractor HSEQ performance is critical to the overall success of your project or operation. The use of contractors and sub-contractors can however increase your risk exposure and it is important to understand that your legal obligations are not absolved through the use of contractors.
Our consultants are able to establish or review your contractor management processes to help ensure that any increase in risk associated with the use of contractors is mitigated to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). This can be done through the provision of HSEQ contract exhibits, review of contractor HSEQ tender evaluation processes and submissions, conducting contractor pre-award and contract execution audits, developing contractor assurance plans and developing or reviewing contractor HSEQ management plans and procedures against company or client requirements.


Electrical Compliance

Electrical compliance is critical in certifying

electrical equipment and installations as safe and to reduce the risk of exposure to electrical hazards. Each Australian State and Territory have unique compliance requirements relating to electrical licensing and the installation, operation and testing of electrical equipment.


Our licensed electrical professionals are able to perform independent technical audits and inspections to verify electrical compliance and to help reduce the risk of injury to company employees, contractors and end users. Our electrical compliance services also include formal Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA), initial detailed and periodic close and visual inspections.


Emergency Management

In the event that things don't go to plan, it's essential that you're prepared to respond quickly to the event to establish control and mitigate against escalation. Our emergency management services include support with the development of site-specific Emergency Response Plans (ERPs), review of existing ERPs, conducting emergency response audits against existing plans and procedures and providing emergency exercise/drill planning support.


Incident Investigation

Following an incident, priority must be given to the efficient identification of root causes and corrective and preventative actions. Our consultants are qualified and experienced in a number of formal Root Cause Analysis (RCA) incident investigation methodologies and are capable of conducting thorough investigations. Through this process, specific detail on the management system or human performance related root causes can be identified to facilitate system improvements and reduce the risk of a repeat incident.


Our incident investigation capability also includes the provision of mechanical and electrical subject matter experts with experience across a number of different industries.


Leadership and Culture

Exceptional HSEQ performance cannot be achieved without a focus on the development of leadership behaviours across all levels of your organisation. Often organisations promote their commitment to HSEQ performance through espoused leadership behaviours, however good intentions are not enough to develop your culture and ensure positive performance outcomes. For this to occur, espoused leadership behaviours must be understood and enacted consistently across the organisation.


Our team has extensive experience developing and implementing leadership and cultural 

development programs, with proven success. 

Our leadership and culture services include support with the development  or review of your HSEQ strategy and related  targets and objectives, establishing HSEQ Key Performance Indicators, completing cultural surveys and assessments and providing support with leading HSEQ change management initiatives.


Management Systems


Response to Regulatory Notices


Our consultants have extensive experience

working with HSEQ management systems of various size and complexity, across a number of industry sectors. To maximise effectiveness, your management system needs to be developed to align with your organisation’s strategic objectives and values and be commensurate with the breadth of your operations and risk.


We are able to provide you with support across all aspects of HSEQ management system development and implementation. This includes development 

and implementation support of individual or integrated HSEQ policies and procedures, 

management plans and the provision of management system templates.


We are also able to support you throughout the ISO HSEQ certification (and re-certification) processes, which may commence with a gap analysis to determine your current level of compliance to the relevant ISO HSEQ management system standards (including ISO45001, ISO14001 and ISO9001).

Regulators have a number of functions, including the enforcement of Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) and worker’s compensation legislation. As part of the assurance process, Regulatory Inspectors have the authority to conduct site or office inspections to verify compliance. Through this process, Improvement Notices or Prohibition Notices can be issued where legal requirements may have been contravened. Responses from recipients often require immediate site-based changes to be made, in addition to management system amendments.


Our consultants are able to assist you with the development of a formal, timely response to address the specific areas of

non-compliance identified within the regulatory notice. This process is critical to ensure you’re able to demonstrate ongoing legal compliance, while minimising personal injury risk and costly operational disruptions.

Risk Management


Robust risk management processes are essential to ensuring that workplace hazards are mitigated to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). 

Risk management processes can take many forms, however, they should consist of the fundamental elements of hazard identification, risk assessment and control.


Our consultants have many years of experience in developing and applying various risk management processes across several industry sectors and in line with the requirements of ISO31000 (ISO Risk Management Standard).


We are able to develop tailored risk management procedures, facilitate Hazard Identification (HAZID) and risk review workshops and develop and/or review risk assessment documents that may include Safe Work Method Statements (SWMSs), Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs), Bowtie Analysis and Fishbone Analysis.


Tender Support

The development of an effective HSEQ tender response is essential to maximising your business development opportunities. Our team has extensive experience in the review of HSEQ tender documents, from a client perspective, and in the development of successful contractor HSEQ

tender responses.


We are also able to provide you with tailored contractor HSEQ tender and prequalification processes, which are essential to facilitating the ongoing HSEQ  success of your collective client, contractor and sub-contractor teams.


Workstation and Ergonomic Assessments

Within Australia, the ‘Duty of Care’ legislative requirements incumbent on employers and employees apply to both home and commercial office working arrangements. To manage the personal injury and company liability risk associated with such arrangements, a practical, risk-based approach should be adopted.


Our consultants are able to help you

manage this risk through the provision of tailored working from home or office-based procedures, which include workstation and ergonomic self-assessments. We are also able to review and update your existing procedures to ensure they appropriately identify and control the hazards associated with both home and commercial office work environments. Where a higher level of assurance is required, on-site ergonomic assessments can be requested with one of our Consultant Physical Therapists.

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